Once upon a time...

Silac is a Belgian brand that was created in 1985 with a simple idea: to make presbyopes feel comfortable by meeting their needs. Our first objective is to simplify your daily life through the recovery of close vision thanks to our modern and qualitative reading glasses.

Evolution of the logo :

Over the years, Silac has developed in various European countries. Today, we have a strong presence in Belgium, but also in Portugal, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Latvia and many others. Thanks to this European presence and our many years of experience, Silac has built up an expertise in the world of reading glasses.

Our glasses

Since you are forty years old or more, you have probably discovered presbyopia and its inconveniences. Presbyopia is a natural phenomenon that leads to a hardening of the lens. Since its onset, you can no longer do without your reading glasses. Without them, you have to hold your book or newspaper at arm's length to read the paragraphs.

We have over 50 models of reading glasses to offer you in 4 different categories of expertise:

  • Our READING GLASSES are available in different diopters from +1.00 to +5.00. You also have the possibility to choose quarter diopters, which is exclusive to Silac.
  • Our SUN READING GLASSES accompanies you in the sun! They are ideal for reading on the beach, consulting a map while hiking, or doing odd jobs outdoors. They protect your eyes from too much light while providing the necessary correction for better close-up vision (UV400 protection, category 3).

  • Have you ever experienced headaches, tingling eyes or eye fatigue after a long day in front of the screen? Silac has the solution for you, our SCREEN GLASSES with or without correction, they block up to 40% of the harmful effects of blue light emitted by screens. With or without diopter, our screen glasses combine comfort and correction throughout the day.
  • Silac innovation, the reading glasses 3IN1. It's the eyewear that can do EVERYTHING without leaving your nose: you can read, work on your computer and chat with your colleagues or friends.

  • Silac also offers a wide range of QUALITY ACCESSORIES to accompany our glasses (cases, cords, cleaning wipes, overglasses).


Our mission

To see well up close is to enjoy life. Enjoying every moment.

Our brand promises to make you rediscover the pleasures of reading, precise gestures that can be mastered again, small daily pleasures renewed...

Elegance, quality and price

For more than 35 years, Silac has been striving day after day to offer you a wide range of eyewear that meets these three key requirements. Thanks to these strong values, Silac is recognised as a reference in the world of eyewear for better near vision throughout Europe. Today, we are proud to meet the needs of our customers by selling a pair of glasses every 30 seconds.